sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Fix The 'Cannot Find A Feed' Problem On Blogger

This is a quick post that I'm sure any of you that have experienced problems with Finding a feed from their blogs URL will appreciate.In fact even if you have not come across this problem you might want to follow the steps to make sure your Blogs feed can be easily found.OK so the problem I'm referring to occurs when you enter your Blogs URL (Home Page Address) somewhere and they try to fetch your Feed but return unsuccessful.Examples would be when you submit to Blog Directories, Add your blog to a Blog Roll or comment on Blogs with Comment Luv.In all these cases they try to find the feed to list one or more of your recent posts but the feed cannot be found.

This is a problem a number of Blogger users seem to be having and it can be easily fixed.Below i will show you a snippet of code you can add to the head of your template that can be found instantly.Sounds good so lets do it.

Add Default Feed Link To Your Blogs Template

Step 1. In your Blogger dashboard click > 'Design' > 'Edit Html'

Step 2. Find the following piece of code in your blogs Html (It's Near The Top):


Step 3. Copy and paste the following code Directly Below / Under <head>

<link href='YOUR-BLOGS-FEED-URL' rel='alternate' title='YOUR BLOGS TITLE' type='application/rss+xml'/>

Note - You must make the following changes :

Replace YOUR-BLOGS-FEED-URL with your blogs feed address, If you have a Feedburner URL use that otherwise use the default feed(Drop a comment below if your unsure of your blogs feed URL).

Replace YOUR BLOGS TITLE with the title of your blog, for example i would add Spice Up Your Blog.

Step 4. OK Save Your Template, you have added a feed link to your template that can be quickly found and returned by any Programme, Bot, Spider or Aliens from Jupiter.Make sure to check out more of our Posts with Tips To Help With Your Rss Feed.

Drop Your Comments, views and Questions Below.

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